iSAT Systems

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Intelligent Wearable Assisted Vision Technology

Leveraging the latest AI, VR and AR technologies to innovate, engineer, and produce smart eyewear devices that will assist people with visual challenges through awareness of surroundings, mobility, and directed navigation capabilities at an affordable price.

Solutions for People with Terminal Visual Impairment

Intelligent glasses for people not blessed with vision

People with terminal visual impairment face the challenge of physical navigation, reading text from printed matter, identifying objects and people in their immediate surroundings. The common tasks that a person with normal vision takes for granted become challenging for people with terminal visual impairment. 

It is normally considered that a person with this condition has a keen somatosensory (except visual) and auditory perception. Being able to augment the information of the surrounding with audio inputs in real-time can help a visually impaired person lead a near-normal life.     

iGlass A is envisaged to provide AI, AR, and VR-guided auditory inputs in real time about the person’s surroundings thus facilitating his navigation ability. Also, the device will be used for reading applications and people and object identification in real-time.

iGlass A

People with Terminal Vision Impairment - The Numbers





What i-Glass A Can Do?

Navigation Assist
Reading Application
Object Identification

Solutions for People with Low vision

Intelligent glasses for people with low vision (with real time image processing and focus)

People with low vision conditions face the challenge of physical navigation, reading printed matter and objects, and personal identification with their restricted vision capabilities – the common tasks that a normal vision person takes for granted in their day to day activities.

In many cases, people with low vision conditions continue to lose their eyesight which cannot be halted by available medical means. People with low vision conditions can do similar activities but with great effort and take more time to perform due to their challenging conditions.

iGlass B is designed to provide AI, VR & AR-guided auditory support in real time about the surroundings and also augment their vision with real-time image processing of the areas which are out of the field of vision as compared to a person with normal vision. This real time image processing and focus are the additional features when compared to the glasses meant for people with terminal visual impairment ( iGlass A).

iGlass B
iGlass B

People with Low Vision - The Numbers





What i-Glass B Can Do?

Navigation Assist
Reading Application
Enhancing Field of Vision
Enhancing Field of Vision
iGlass A and iGlass B

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